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The Ultimate Guide
to Planning
Eco-Friendly Events


Whether you're new to event planning or have years of experience, our guide will help you plan and deliver an outstanding and earth friendly event!


Are you an event planner looking to make a positive impact on the environment while also delivering unforgettable experiences for your clients?

Look no further - this guide has everything you need to know, and some things you never even considered!

From reducing waste and carbon emissions to sourcing sustainable awards, we'll provide you with practical tips and tricks to help you plan eco-friendly events that will impress your clients and attendees alike. For example: 

- Venue Selection
- How to Choose Earth-Friendly Awards
- Marketing Tips
- To Swag or Not to Swag?
- Choosing Eco-Friendly Suppliers & Partners

The guide is packed with insights and advice distilled from leading event planners who have successfully implemented sustainable practices into their events, plus our own experiences from the past 25 years. 

And the best part? This guide is completely free. Simply enter your details below to receive your copy and start planning your next eco-friendly event today.

Join the growing movement of event planners who are making a positive impact on the environment. Download the Ultimate Guide to Planning Eco-Friendly Events now!